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Our Third TEC Newsletter is Online

KoBrA: Requirements for Disposal Containers for HLW and Spent Fuel • Constitutive material modelling for clay materials • Treatment of uncertainties…

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Safety and Safety Demonstration Concepts for a HLW Repository in Crystalline Rock

Since 2018 GRS, BGR and BGE TEC are working together on the R&D project CHRISTA-II

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Second BGE TEC Newsletter in 2020 Launched

IAEA working group on monitoring * Impact of earthquakes on shaft seals * Safety analyses on repository systems in crystalline rock * Safety…

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IAEA URL Network Meeting in Dunhuang (China)

From September 9-13, 2019, a ”Technical Meeting of IAEA on Global Progress in Developing Geological Disposal Solutions using Underground Research…

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IAEA Initiative to set up an International Working Group regarding Monitoring of HLW Repositories

In spring this year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna asked DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH to participate in a consultancy meeting with…

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Upgrade of the Hoisting System for Shaft 1 of the HADES Underground Laboratory (Mol, Belgium)

In the result of an open tendering procedure EURIDICE (European Underground Research Infrastructure for Disposal of nuclear waste In a Clay…

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Technology Transfer Project between UK and Germany Initiated

Radioactive Waste Management Ltd (RWM) is the organisation responsible for implementing the HLW disposal programme in the UK and for providing…

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IAEA Initiative to set up an International Working Group regarding monitoring of HLW repositories

In spring this year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna asked DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH to participate in a consultancy meeting with…

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First German Repository Concept for Crystalline Host Rock

In the course of the R&D project KONEKD, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH investigates the technical feasibility of a generic repository for heat generating…

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